Hi, I am

Hassan Ali

Frontend Engineer

I'm a self-taught web developer based on Egypt, with over 2 years experience specializing in Frontend web development.


years experience

Hassan Ali

Frontend Engineer

Hello! My name is Hassan, a self-taught software engineer based on Egypt, with +2.5 years experience as a professional Web developer, specializing in Frontend web development, Welcome to my corner of the internet. My interest in web development started back in 2018 when I decided to try to create my first personal website — turns out I love programming, problem solving and creating creative websites, it taught me a lot.

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:



Front End Developer@GridsApps

Oct 2023 - Present

  • Working as front end developer with HTML, CSS, Vue, Nuxt.js, React and Next.js to design and develop user-friendly websites, complex dashboards and large scale applications for GridsApps.
  • Update and enhance existing websites, ensuring compatibility with modern browsers and devices.
  • Collaborate with the design and back end development teams to implement user interfaces and integrate APIs to enhance website functionality and user experience.
  • Work on the creation and maintenance of dashboards, providing intuitive data visualization.

Front End Developer@ThemesCamp

Apr 2022 - Oct 2023

  • Transformed native HTML CSS jQuery web templates into multiple frameworks, such as Vue Nuxt.js and React Next.js
  • Produced websites compatible with multiple browsers.

Front End Instructor@Meshkat Nour

Sep 2022 - Dec 2022

  • Worked as instructor and mentor to a big group of students @ Meshkat Nour organization
  • Taught students the Front End stack (HTML - CSS - JavaScript)
  • Guided students on real projects and technology capabilities.

Front End Developer@Freelancer

Oct 2021 - Mar 2022

  • Working on real projects for multiple organizations and clients as a freelancer .


Front End

Back End



  • skillHTML
  • skillCSS
  • skillJavaScript
  • skillTypeScript
  • skilljQuery
  • skillBootstrap
  • skillSass
  • skillReact
  • skillRedux
  • skill
  • skillVue
  • skillNuxt
  • skill
  • skill
    Material UI


  • skillJest
  • skillGraphQL
  • skillElectronjs


  • skillNode.js
  • skill
  • skillMongoDB
  • skillTypeScript


  • skillJest
  • skillPostgreSQL
  • skillGraphQL
  • skill
    Socket IO


  • skillGit
  • skillGithub
  • skillNPM
  • skillYarn
  • skill
  • skillVSCode
  • skillPostman


  • skillNetlify
  • skillAWS


work image

TCG Projects

All projects and themes i've developed or contributed to it for 'Themescamp - TCG' company at the period of Apr 2022 to Oct 2023.
all projects are big themeforest themes for various categories such as ecommerce, newspaper & magazine, personal portfolio, agency themes, multi-purpose templates, etc...

Dorosk - English Learning

Dorosk is an online educational platform in multiple language for teaching the English for all levels and ages. It contains audio, written, and translated lessons to help teach the language online, which i worked on it as a front-end developer to build the UI and colaborate with the backend team to connect api to it

Built With

  • skill
  • skill
  • skill
  • skill
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work image

GridsApps - Official Website

GridsApps - The updated official website of gridsapps software company

Built With

  • skill
  • skill
  • skill


Hawas a governmental educational website in Palestine that offers the best educational programs, books and paths with advanced training methods for children and young students, which i worked on it as a front-end developer to build the ui and colaborate with the backend team to connect api to it

Built With

  • skill
  • skill
  • skill
  • skill
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work image


Imtyaz is the largest educational platform in Palestine, It's an online educational platform specialized in teaching university and school students in all tracks and subjects, which i worked on it as a front-end developer to build the ui and colaborate with the backend team to connect api to it

Built With

  • skill
  • skill
  • skill
  • skill


Afiyetcom is a medical website that contains many medical and scientific articles with many medical-related tools.

Built With

  • skill
  • skill
  • skill
  • skill
  • skill
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Fraudox is website and web app with dashboard for a powerful fraud detection and monitoring platform, It provides advanced services in preventing scams and fraud on websites and webapps, I worked on it as front-end developer to develop the ui of the website and the dashboard and connect the python-based backend api to it

Built With

  • skill
  • skill
  • skill
  • skill


FlutterCamp is an integrated online educational platform project that contains many web-specific educational paths, which i worked on it as a front-end developer to build the ui and colaborate with the backend team to connect api to it

Built With

  • skill
  • skill
  • skill
  • skill
work image



Full-Stack Web Development with React Specialization - Coursera

Hong Kong University of Science, Coursera Completed professional development in Full Stack DevelopmentWith Bootstrap React, Node.js Express.js and MongoDB

May 2021


Front-End Web Development with React - Coursera

A full front end development course using react library from university of hong kong

May 2021


Server-side Development with NodeJS, Express and MongoDB - Coursera

Backend track from University of Hong Kong using Nodejs and MongoDB

May 2021


Advanced Full-Stack Web Development Nanodegree - Udacity

A Full-Stack nanodegree from Udacity for 3 months of Node.js - Postgres - Jasmine

Sep 2022


One Million Arab Coders - Udacity

Front end track of One Million Arab Coders scholarship from udacity

Apr 2018